What is Kreativs?

Publication Summary:
  • **Kreativs aims to bridge knowledge gaps in the digital and technology sectors globally by providing a centralized platform for practitioners to access quality information.
  • **The platform caters to students, professionals, and recruiters, allowing them to interact and create experts in their respective fields.
  • **Students can use Kreativs to showcase their learning throughout their school tenure, including research and internship experiences, enhancing their resumes and highlighting their critical thinking skills.

As the digital and technology sectors are moving towards more advanced AI & ML, Kreativs has been created in order to help bridge the knowledge of all practitioners at a global scale. The main problem that people face in any given industry or sector is that information is scattered and not available in a centralized location. If a software developer desires to obtain knowledge about a specific tech stack, that developer would have to search through multiple sites to obtain quality and useful information. An extension of the problem mentioned above is that the material can often be published in a form of question & answer instead of a publication which provides full content into the given use case. 

In order to bridge that gap, and to help consolidate the information available within the digital and technology community, the goal with Kreativs is to provide a platform where students, professionals, and recruiters can interact and help create experts!

Our student access is catered towards students who are actively studying in college and are looking to use this platform to highlight their learnings throughout their school tenure. An extension of putting together their portfolio could be their research and/or internship experience. Often times, it is only something they are able to speak to as part of their interview process but they do not have a shared platform where they can actually publish their content. This will not only allow them to showcase their thought process and critical thinking skills, but can be used as a resume enhancement. Furthermore, it can help put a spotlight on the college or university especially with groundbreaking information they find or learn.

Our professional access is curated for working professionals in any job or role within the digital and technology space. Whether you are in sales, marketing, legal, development, product, design, support, etc., you interact with technology everyday to do your job. What technology do you use? How do you use it? What value do you get out of the technology you use? What could be done to improve certain technologies to make them more user friendly or more adaptive to your needs? How have you mastered your craft with the use of technology? What experience have you gained using technology that you wish to use to influence others in your area of work? Have you created a new exciting and an innovative product or feature and want to talk about it? How have certifications helped? So on and so on – there are so many unanswered questions and experiences that one can share which can be beneficial for others to read about and share.

With the demographics of our student and professional user base, the bridge that connects them are typically recruiters. Recruiting is the forefront of job creation, vetting candidates, and being able to help enable growth at any given company/corporation. By pairing what our student, and professionals are able to share on this platform, recruiters can actively search for authors and review publications to learn about people and their contributions! This helps to add a portfolio element to a given resume where it is no longer just keywords that might get past resume softwares! 

Together, with this shared platform ecosystem, experts get to create experts! Whether you are green in your area of work or studies, or have decades of experience, all information created on here will help influence, motivate, and provide useful knowledge to others. There will not be a need to compete against economies of scale with our shared platform, with content curated towards the digital and tech space!

From our Kreativs Team – welcome to our platform and we look forward to your contributions towards enabling a humanized technology community! We value all feedback and or inquiries, so please use our contact form to submit your responses!

Frequently Asked Questions

Categorized as Creative
